art school

Classes for Children
Spring Break Camp: Embroidery for ages 10-13
Spring Break Camp: Embroidery for ages 10-13
March 10 - March 14
1:30pm to 4:30pm

5 Sessions
EPMA Studio C
Tuition: $75

Hand embroidery is a wonderful skill for kids to learn. It’s a creative and quiet activity that also helps them strengthen hand-eye coordination and improve fine motor skills.

In this class, kids will learn: - Safety measures to work with sharp objects like needles and scissors. - Materials used for hand embroidery. - Basic stitching techniques like running stitch, back running stitch, blanket stitch, satin stitch and lazy daisy stitch. - How to create a pattern and prepare a hand embroidery hoop. - How to hand stitch a plushie. - How to hand stitch a bookmark.

All materials and services are included with the cost of tuition.

Registration is now open, space is limited. Secure a spot by calling (915) 212-3056 or emailing If you have any questions, please reach the education department at 915-212-3056 or email

*** Payment will be collected the first day of class in person**

Please provide us:

Class session and time:

Student’s name:

Parent’s name:



Emergency contact:

Phone (home) (cell):


Thank you, EPMA Education Team

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