REOPENING UPDATE! Phase One of our HVAC renovation is complete, and select galleries on the second floor are now open. Stay tuned for Phase Two, the reopening of our European (Kress), Latin American & Retablos, American, and Contemporary galleries!

art for today
and tomorrow


El Paso Museum of Art and El Paso Pro-Musica have partnered to create Encore!, an initiative that enriches core learning with arts education for local K-12 students throughout the academic year. Participants experience how art and music work in synergy to foster cultural literacy and creativity among children in our community.

Support of Encore! goes toward free programs, including:

  • Tour + Studio art looking and art making museum visits
  • Bach’s Lunch and Bach’s Lunch Jr. concert series
  • Weekend studio art workshops at EPMA Art School
  • El Paso Pro-Musica performances at public schools
  • Young Artist Development Series musician residency

Donations and Sponsorships

EPMA accepts all gifts through the El Paso Museum of Art Foundation. Founded in 1998, the EPMA Foundation is a Texas Non-Profit Corporation - a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. It is organized exclusively for the benefit of EPMA to provide long-term funding for acquisitions, conservation, preservation, education and interpretation, and museum-related functions not provided by the City of El Paso’s operational funding. A board of El Paso citizens governs the EPMA Foundation, with support from committees for development, planned giving, and investment.

Charitable giving to EPMA through the EPMA Foundation is tax-deductible, and contributions are recognized on the EPMA website and in print. Exceptional support is also recognized on the donor wall, updated annually, in EPMA’s main lobby.

In-Kind Sponsorships

The Museum accepts many forms of in-kind support, from beverages and catering for opening receptions to furniture and studio equipment for the Art School. If you would like to contribute goods or services, the money saved from your in-kind contribution will be applied directly to programs and exhibitions. Please contact the Development Department to discuss your desire to make an in-kind donation.

Please be advised that as a nonprofit organization, the Museum is prohibited from establishing monetary gift values. Donors must determine the value of in-kind gifts. Donations are tax-deductible within IRS regulations.

Gifting Works of Art

EPMA actively acquires works of art related to its prominent collections of American, Mexican, and European art. All gifts are reviewed and acceptance is dependent on internal assessment of the EPMA Accessions Committee and curatorial review.

Interested in upcoming sponsorship opportunities? Need more information on giving?

The Development Office can be reached at
or by calling (915) 212-3059.

Let's Talk

What have you always wanted to ask the museum?