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In the Galleries

El Taller De Gráfica Popular

Leopoldo Méndez, Corrido de Stalingrado (detail), 1942. Linoleum cut with type/lettering, 18.7 x 13.9 in. Collection of Michael T. Ricker. Photograph courtesy of Michael T. Ricker.

El Taller De Gráfica Popular
June 24, 2021 - October 10, 2021

Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Gallery

The El Paso Museum of Art exhibition El Taller de Gráfica Popular is an in-depth look at the print media created by influential Mexican artists through the Taller de Gráfica workshop and artist collective during Mexico’s post-revolutionary years. Founded by artists Leopoldo Méndez, Luis Arenal, and Pablo O’Higgins in Mexico City in 1937 the collective used art to address the growing wealth and educational disparities between the social classes of Mexico. They believed that political leaders failed at delivering Revolutionary reforms intended to equalize access to land, fair pay, education, and politics. The collective’s objective was to produce political and socioeconomic artwork that was highly didactic—meant to educate the population to enact change and achieve the desired reforms. Working collaboratively, Taller de Gráfica artist produced numerous posters, flyers, portfolios, and booklets that exposed the exploitation and abuse of the poor, criticized the Mexican hacendado land-ownership system, as well as denounced European fascism and the United States imperialism. Famed Mexican artists such Alberto Beltán, Rufino Tamayo, and even famed muralist Diego Rivera contributed to the collaborative prints produced via the workshop. This exhibition highlights the importance of political activism through an artistic lens.

Generous exhibition support provided by the collection of Michael T. Ricker. Additional support provided by the Texas Commission on the Arts, the El Paso Museum of Art Foundation, and the El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department.

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